Assassin’s Creed: Rogue Review (360)
Following the story of Shay Patrick Cormac, Oirish Assassin-turned-Templar, Rogue is essentially Black Flag with the pirate...
Indie Rock: Door Kickers
I am scared of the police! I don’t think that I have much reason to be because...
Gabriel Knight Sins of the Fathers (20th Anniversary Edition) Review (PC)
Good old Point & Click games, forgotten and banished to somewhere else for too long (possibly the...
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Review (PC)
I’ve never been to rural Wisconsin. But now I feel like I have, thanks to The Vanishing...
First Impressions: Lords of the Fallen
I played the first couple of hours of Lords of the Fallen recently. Actually, I’ve played a...
The Evil Within Review (PS4)
The Evil Within is a bit like a survival horror greatest hits collection. You’ve got slow, expertly-paced...
Indie (Grim)Rock: Legend Of Grimrock 2
I make a save every few tiles that my block-formation characters chunkily crunch into, especially if I’m...
Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault Hands-On
“This is undoubtedly the greatest American battle of the war, and will, I believe be regarded as...
Indie Rock: Flapping Bird
I’m pounding away at a ridiculous mug of coffee in order to write this. I’m exhausted from...
Shadow of Mordor Review (Xbox One)
Shadow of Mordor is what Assassin’s Creed could have become, if boats had never been invented. I...
Life is Strange Preview
Following the story of a teenaged girl name Max Caulfield, Life is Strange is all about choices....
World of Warships – First Look
Wargaming were showing off the alpha build of World of Warships behind closed doors at gamescom and...
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