All posts by Debbie Timmins (Weefz)
Closed Competition: Win Child of Eden
While we’re still tooling about in LA post-E3, I thought I’d put up this competition to celebrate...
E3 2011 Preview – Fable: The Journey. It’s Not On Rails.
I was completely wrong about Fable: The Journey. The game is absolutely jaw-dropping and is everything I’ve...
E3 2011 – Microsoft Press Conference Highlights
Microsoft held their press event today. Sadly, we at The Average Gamer were not invited but it...
Shadows of The Damned Hands-On Preview
This game is really fucking weird. It’s also everything you would expect if you’ve seen that Enlarge...
London’s MCM Expo – Cosplayers!
That cult paradise that is the Manga Comics Media Expo was back in London over the weekend....
Daily News: COD Stats, Journalism, RockStar and Portal
I do like to keep this site pretty clean and not drown you guys in dozens of...
BioWare’s Weekes on Writing For Gender
There’s some great insight into the writing process behind Commander Shepard over on Patrick Weekes’ LiveJournal (writer...
Spongebob Squigglepants Review (Wii UDraw)
Everyone loves Spongebob Squarepants, right? He’s an adorable little sponge who lives underwater in Bikini Bottom (yes,...
Mass Effect 3 To Include All Gay Options
BioWare’s Casey Hudson, executive producer of the Mass Effect series has just confirmed on Twitter that, contrary...
GameCamp 4 LiveBlog
Hey there, games fans. We’re over in London Bridge all day, discussing game design, game culture and...
Duke Nukem’s Slappers
I never imagined I’d be on the opposite side to men writing about the unacceptability of domestic...
All Hands On Duke – Multiplayer Preview (PC)
On Friday 6th May, original UK release date of Duke Nukem Forever, a crowd of games journalists...
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