All posts by Debbie Timmins (Weefz)
Deus Ex's James Swallow – "Game characters are often ciphers"
After eight years of waiting, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is finally here. I talked to Deus Ex...
Rugby World Cup Bloggers’ Tourney 2011
Back at the end of July we were invited to the iconic Cabbage Patch pub in Twickenham....
Daily News – Fallout NV DLC, Free Rifting and a Portal 2 Vid
Here”s today”s round-up of the most important news for gamers. Fallout New Vegas: A new mission pack...
Gamescom 2011 – Welcome to WildStar
NCSoft announced their new MMO during Gamescom, Wildstar. I spoke to Executive Producer Jeremy Gaffney, who is...
Gamescom 2011 – Klingons Live and Kicking
We’re back from Gamescom! While we’re writing up all the lovely previews and interviews that we did...
Gamescom 2011 – Microsoft’s Play Day
It was the evening of press conference day at Gamescom 2011. We’d been on the go since...
Daily News – Street Fighter X Tekken, Charity Fundraising, Podcasts and Mr Freeze.
Here’s the daily news, just squeezing in before all hell breaks loose on Gamescom coverage this week....
Breaking Down Dance Central 2 with Harmonix’s Matt Boch
Late one night in June we were escorted through the darkened booths of the E3 Expo for...
Dance Wiivolution
Any day now I am gonna write that feature where I whinge that having loads of dance...
E3 2011: TERA Preview (PC)
More and more frequently, I’ve been hearing that people no longer want to play dice-roll RPGs. Upcoming...
Dead Island – Hands-on Multiplayer Preview (360)
Dead Island is a survival role-playing game set in a zombie apocalypse. It's really rather horrific. There...
Hands-On Thoughts About the Wii U
Late into the dying moments of E3 2011 we finally got our hands on the new Wii...
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