All posts by Debbie Timmins (Weefz)
Ni No Kuni Delay and Hands-On Impressions
Ni No Kuni’s release has been pushed back to 1st February in Europe and Australasia, reportedly due...
Remember Me Trailer: Kid Xmas
The more I see of Capcom’s Remember Me, the more I want to play it. The new...
CLOSED! A Black Nintendo 3DS
Were you all excited today’s news of new Pokémon games, yet sad that you don’t yet have...
Pokémon X and Y: New 3DS Games Announced
Nintendo announced a new pair of games today, Pokémon X and Pokémon Y for the 3DS. Featuring...
Final Fantasy XIV Now Accepting Beta Sign-ups
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is Square Enix’s upcoming MMO for PC and PS3 and it’s...
Kinect Sesame St and Nat Geo TV get Second Seasons
Kinect has always been great for families with children. For a start, the thing can actually see...
THQ Assets to be Sold
Only this afternoon we posted about how much Dunk is looking forward to Company of Heroes 2...
This Week on TAG: 6th Jan 2013
It’s the first weekend in January and I hope you’re all recovering from either your extended holidays...
Okami HD Review (PS3/Move)
The Okami HD release is a wonderful thing. Originally made for the PS2 back in 2006, Okami...
The Last Express: Sale on iOS
I always feel faintly embarrassed when I see The Last Express. It’s a brilliant concept – you’re...
City of Steam: New Costumes for Guards
I’ve always found it interesting to see the way things change during game development. After the recent...
New Year, New Look!
Happy 2013! Hope you all had a lovely New Year’s Eve. Look at our sexy new site...
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