All posts by Debbie Timmins (Weefz)
Wales Games Development Show 11th July
Game developers will be gathering in Cardiff next week for the 3rd annual Wales Game Development Show....
CLOSED: Sniper Elite 3 Giveaway (Xbox 360)
Sniper Elite 3 was released last week and we have an Xbox 360 copy to give away!...
12 Hours of Mountain
You want to be a mountain, right? Sure you do. Who wouldn’t want to spin endlessly in...
Tanki Online Preview
I am Tank Incarnate. I rumble my engine disquietingly. A cloud of smoke escapes my tail pipe...
Hands-on with Splatoon, Yoshi’s Woolly World and More
Nintendo have a load of games coming for the Wii U in the next 12 months or...
GIVEAWAY: Hazard Ops Closed Beta Keys
Hazard Ops is an upcoming team-based third-person shooter for the PC that pits you and your team...
Resogun Custom Ships – The Best and Worst
Resogun went live with a big update this week, adding local co-op, a ship editor and resetting...
Three Highlights from Radius Festival 2014
Radius Festival is happening right now near London’s Leicester Square, a celebration of video games driven by...
Entwined Review (PS4)
Entwined is about sex. Sure, they may claim it’s “a game about two souls who are in...
WIN: Nosgoth Beta Key Giveaway
Not too long ago I previewed Nosgoth, the PvP deathmatch game set in the Legacy of Kain...
Destiny First Look Alpha – My Impressions
Destiny is great fun. The First Look Alpha went live on the PS4 last week and I’ve...
E3 2014: Xenoblade Chronicles X Preview
Through Nintendo’s Treehouse broadcast yesterday, we learned more about Xenoblade Chronicles X for the Wii U, the...
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