The Average Gamer

Blog Banter: Getting To Know Me

I am not a beautiful and unique snowflake. I don’t get a thrill out of seeking out the unknown and unpopular. For the most part, I am a mass-market consumer with a few odd customisations.

I am a hardcore RPG gamer, having cut my virtual teeth on the Gold Box D&D and Buck Rogers games. You wouldn’t know it if you met me in a pub. I could talk for hours about the people around us, your life, drinking games, English weather… all sorts of normal sensible things. But in the back of my mind, I’ll be thinking about going home. Firing up the TV. Figuring out how the hell I can beat that first Demon Wall. (FYI, you need to grind up for the Quickenings)

I loves me the RPGs… but I’m a solitary gamer. I don’t talk about myself. I don’t bring games up in conversation. I don’t need or want other people to play with me. All I want is to be left in peace to explore strange new worlds, seeking out new life and new civilizations.

Planescape Torment screenshot

So, if you want to really understand me, you’ll have to play an RPG. Planescape: Torment, the greatest RPG ever created. I mean it. What’s not to love? It has a wise-cracking floating skull. It has a useful journal system. It has the novelty of progression through NOT killing things. But most of all, it has meaning and depth and emotion.

Play it for the consequences of immortality, both glorious and tragic. Play it for the odd philosophy of belief and how it shapes the world. Play it to meet a cast of characters as yet unrivalled in the games industry. Hell, play it just to meet Annah, the hot be-tailed tiefling. She’s awesome and takes no crap from anyone.

Play it, and you’ll see a huge part of my childhood. This game has everything I love about fantasy.

[Image taken from GameSpot. Sadly, I no longer have a copy of the game to make my own screenshots]

Blog Banter is a group of bloggers passionate about anything and everything video games. We enjoy getting together once a month to write about the same subject. You will be amazed at the different viewpoints so many people can have on the exact same topic! If you are interested in participating, contact bs angel for more information. Enjoy all of our articles.

Silvercublogger, The Average Gamer, Game Couch, thoughts and rants, Delayed Responsibility, Boom Stick Brigade, Boom Stick Brigade 2, CrazyKinux’s Musing, Gamer Unit, Draining, 8-Bit Brigade, Zath Games Tech, Arm the Flag, Hawty McBloggy, Lou Lantos