The Average Gamer

Where To Watch Microsoft, Sony and EA gamescom Streams

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Right here! Mostly. gamescom is upon us again, the European version of E3 only you get to actually play the games and so do 300,000 members of the gaming public.

Activision”s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer reveal is happening tonight, a couple of days before gamescom itself.

Microsoft, EA and Sony will be streaming their briefings on Tuesday 12th casino online and Wednesday 13th August.

Microsoft Xbox briefing is happening at 1pm on 12th August:

Watch live video from xbox on

Sony gamescom briefing will kick off at 7pm BST. Here”s their stream player:

EA will follow at 9am BST the next day, 13th August. They”ll be showing FIFA 15, Battlefield Hardline, The Sims 4, Dawngate, Dragon Age: Inquisition and more. Their video player isn”t up for embedding, so head over to for the show.