It’s still Bond week over here, mostly because I haven’t managed to see Skyfall yet. I’m going tonight, okay? No spoilers in the comments.
Instead, I’ve been playing a “natural language text adventure” that sets you up as an MI6 applicant guiding a field agent through a problematic mission.
Commissioned by Sony as part of their ad campaign and developed by Hide and Seek (of the recent conference), the game is pretty fun. Well, I haven’t actually played that much of the game itself. I spent more time chatting away to the text parser. That’s kind of fun.

It seems pretty slick though. Your agent will give you hints as you examine all your equipment and surroundings but you’re constricted by time. Certain actions will also speed up the response of your enemies so think things through before you start mucking about with explosive.
You can take each part 5 times so don’t worry too much if you didn’t perfect it the first time around.
Start the test
And good luck.
Edit: Hey, at least I’m amusing myself.

Edit again: I probably should have mentioned that it saves your progress in your browser somewhere, so that’s a handy thing. Also, it’s a flexible parser in that it uses very loose interpretations of keywords but is certainly no Infocom game.