Rockstar Social Club Overhauled
- Updated: 10th May, 2012
In preparation for the upcoming release of Max Payne 3, Rockstar have completely overhauled their social club. No longer is it just a way to unlock extra clothes and missions and then forget that you signed up until the next big release. It’s now a fully-fledged social network complete with wall, crews and
achievements accomplishments.
The crews have been introduced for the upcoming multiplayer gang wars that will be a big feature of Max Payne 3.
Is it just me or do the maps in the Gang Wars section look mighty crowded? If that’s really how it plays, Max Payne 3’s multiplayer will be very fast-paced.
Crews will give players extra XP and allow you to set up feuds with rival crews that you’ll carry out in the multiplayer modes. They’ll also carry over into GTA V, though I’ve no solid info on how that will be implemented in the game. If you have a crew going, invite me!
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