UFC Personal Trainer 30-Day Challenge – Week 4
- Updated: 27th Jul, 2011
Sorry, that was a lie. The truth is that this week I was hit with illness. Whether influenced by my new diet and exercise regime or otherwise, this knocked me for six.
Day 20 20/07/2011
Thankfully the UFC fitness gods were merciful. The 20th day of my quest was bereft of T-push ups – much joy was taken in that fact. This was only temporary… each week UFC drags something from the depths of Satan’s pit to torture me. Sprawls were my enemy today. I quickly vanquished this demon and moved on to my extra workouts before calling it a day.
Total workout time: 1 hr 30 min.
Day 21 21/07/2011
Thursday wasn’t kind to me at all. I woke up ill and shaking. Not just my muscles but my head and my insides were all hit by whatever this is. The sad thing is I was so close to a perfect run without missing a day but I was in no fit state to work out. Fate has forced me into a position where I have to miss a workout and take it as a rest day.Total workout time: 0hr 0min
Day 22 22/07/2011
Up and at ’em as they say. Despite feeling under the weather I still plowed through the morning’s workout. No extra reps or sessions for me today, just more vitamins and rest. See you on the other side.
Total workout time: 0hr 30min
Day 23 23/07/2011
Not much better today but still finished a small core workout with energy to spare so piled it into tire flips and an arm workout. 30 Reps each of Arnold Press, Press to Curls, Bicep Curls and One Armed Rows left me with a bit more energy for the rest of the day.
Day 24 24/07/2011
You know that feeling when you wake up one morning regretting doing something the night before? This was kind of like that. It seems my idiot decision to try and work through the illness had left me feeling worse. A lot worse. Another day of vitamins and rest before being dragged to a family barbecue. Other than that, the diet is going well. I’m still limiting my calorie and carb intakes and it seems to be working so far.
Total Workout Time: 0hr 0min
Day 25 25/07/2011
Come Monday morning I was refreshed and ready to go. A huge workout was awaiting me that tested all areas of my body and even had me doing both sprawls and T-push ups, the evil thing. I rounded it all off with some extra focus mitts activities and a long hike with a child carrier. That’s a backpack that carries toddlers, just for all you non parent-savvy folk.
Total workout time: 1 hour 45 minutes.
Hike time: 2 hours carrying 25lb of sprog.
Day 26 Weekly Thoughts
Thanks to missing 2 workouts my routine now finishes on the 1st of August which means you lovely people will still get one more update from me. As you now know my week was destroyed thanks to me being ill. My doc has advised upping my vitamin intake in case my body isn’t getting enough thanks to my changed diet. Arm strength has definitely improved. I still can’t do push ups – not sure why but hopefully that will change over the next few weeks.
While my 30 day challenge is almost up the MCV 30 day challenge still has 2 weeks to go (I think) so I will be working hard to hopefully win that Vegas trip. If you want to find out my final weigh-in score then keep a close eye out next week. For now it’s remaining under wraps.