Free Xbox Live Arcade Game – Undertow
- Updated: 22nd Jan, 2008
As a kiss-and-make-up gift for Xbox Live being generally rubbish and unusable for weeks now (personally, it’s been ok recently) Microsoft is giving away the Live Arcade game Undertow (think Geometry Wars but underwater). Yep, that’s a full game free of charge, but ONLY from 10am Wed 23rd Jan 08 till 8am Monday 28th Jan 08. So grab it while you can. Incidentally this offer is open to all gold and silver members.
Some features of Undertow:
- 16 player multiplayer battles and 2 player co-op with Team Conquest and Deathmatch modes
- 3 different playable races, each with 4 unique upgradeable units
- 15 level single player / co-op campaign

Update 22nd Jan 08: If you’ve already bought Undertow, you can call you local Xbox Support number and get 800 Microsoft Points credited to your LIVE account. Assuming they can find evidence of your purchase (so don’t try blagging it).
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